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Lunes, Nobyembre 14

Love Zodiac Signs

Aquarius Love Traits
The first thing that you will note about the people born under the Aquarius zodiac sign is that they are extremely friendly in nature. There will hardly be any person around them who is not their friend. They love their freedom. They are prone to mood swings. One moment they will be in solitude and the next, they are in a crowd. Aquarians hate to stick to the usual norms and have more of the rebellious traits in them.

Aries Love Traits
Aries is the first sign in the zodiac list. People born under the Aries zodiac sign are just like a newborn child, naive and unquestioning. Just like a child, they demand their wishes to be fulfilled first. They are stubborn and are at times aggressive. However, this should not convey the wrong notion that they are selfish. Arians are just incapable to see beyond their world. They are dynamic and quick-witted individuals who can rebel if provoked.

How to Say Sorry

          You have had your first big fight with her and it is all a big mess. Now you are wondering as to how to say sorry to her. You love her a lot and wouldn't want to lose her for a lame reason like a fight. Saying sorry to girl never killed anyone! Yet, somehow, it is never too easy to utter the word "Sorry". Swallow your ego and bury your pride in the backyard. ‘Sorry’ is a miraculous word that has the power to heal past grievances and bury the unpleasant memories that stirred the fight..